As painters and decorators, we have to stay on top of the latest decorating trends. Wallpaper on the Gold Coast is definitely in as a way to accentuate your own personal style. It's amazing to think that wallpaper has made a comeback. We all tend to think of wallpaper as a ghastly decorating style from the 60's and 70's and let's face it. it was.
Today however wallpaper is anything but ghastly. Gold Coast wallpaper is being used in some of the most up market homes, businesses and hotels. It's a trend that is set to take off in a big way.Feature walls using paint and special finishes are making a big impact to stylise our homes. Wallpaper can do the same thing but even better because of the numerous designs available.
Every look, style, theme, colour, pattern and design is catered for. There are wallpapers that give an instant french provincial look, contemporary, tuscan or4 retro. In fact whtever the atmosphere you are trying to create, there will be the perfect wallpaper.
Wallpaper has always been huge in Europe and as we know the Europeans are reknowned for their style and elegance whether it is in fashion, decorating or even designing cars. Most of the wallpapers available these days are made from the finest quality paper and some even use natural fibres. The point is they are nothing like their outdated 70's cousins.
Wow Painting and Decorating can easily hang the wallpaper of your choice as we have years of experience. Wallpaper hanging is a definite skill and while some people may attempt painting it is not advised to attempt to hang wallpaper. Obviously the surface preparation has to be A1 but working quickly with the glue and lining the paper up perfectly are skills that take years to perfect.
Please see our main wallpaper website at Wow Wallpaper Hanging where we service both the Gold Coast and Brisbane in wallpaper installation.
Gold Coast wallpaper hanging should be handled by the experts. So if you're after the right person for the job don't hesitate to call Wow Painting and Decorating, Gold Coast Painters and Decorators.
Wow Painting and Decorating are Gold Coast Painters that have been part of the building industry on the Gold Coast for twenty years. We've seen painters come and go so we know what makes a successful business.We believe everyone wants a reliable and honest service. Nobody wants to be ripped off and most people appreciate honest advice when it comes to painting.If we think there is a cheaper way for our clients to get what they want out of their paint job we will advise them on that. Sometimes it might just be that spraying is the best option rather than brushing which will save the client in labour costs.Whatever the case may be we will advise our clients every step of the way. If there is a better suited finish or colour that's where our many years of experience come in. Not only that but we strive to have the job done in a really well organised manner that will cut down on time while still delivering a perfectly finished paint job. No job is too big or too small for Wow Painting and Decorating.There's nothing better for us than to see a happy face on the client when the job has been completed. This is where we get our satisfaction and to be honest a lot of our referrals. A job well done speaks for itself. Painting gives you the best renovating results for your money but only if done professionally. On the Gold Coast there are lots of modern contemporary homes with the latest colour schemes but also many older homes being renovated. No matter what the home may be we can assure you of our expertise in all the latest techniques, trends and products.Using the best quality paints is crucial to a well done paint job. The right paint will last for years not only looking good but protecting the surface it is applied to. Exterior paints are usually more expensive but they need to be of the highest quality especially on the Gold Coast where our weather can be so harsh.Gold Coast Painters absolutely must be licensed. Wow Painting and Decorating are professional licensed painters ready to transform your home into something to say "WOW" about.
At Wow Painting and Decorating we understand how important it is to get it right when choosing a Gold Coast Painter. For that matter when choosing any trade or service. For starters it's important to feel secure in the knowledge that your painting contractor will be professional, efficient and deliver a superb paint finish without leaving your home in a mess. On top of that you want a fair quote not some overpriced ridiculous fee.Professional painters are usually easy to pick. Firstly it's a must that they be licensed with the QBSA. Secondly the number of years the painter has been in business is a good indication of how professional he/she is.Efficiency is also very important. When hiring a Gold Coast painter you should have a written quote and a contract. Nobody wants an unprofessional team of painters on their property for weeks on end. Efficient painters arrive with all tools and materials ready and systematically attack the job in such an order to finish in the quickest possible time.The proof is in the pudding so the finished product says it all. A professional paint job stands out. The surface preparation is extremely important when it comes to painting. There is no comparison between a professional paint job and a diy job.Of course at the end you want your home to be looking like it should be in the pages of Home Beautiful. Wow Painting and Decorating leave your home in showroom condition with not a drop of paint left anywhere except where it should be.Wow Painting and Decorating will be only too happy to save you time and money when Choosing Gold Coast Painters